In supermarkets which are the most-used channel, the bottle label is consumers' only point of reference. Our AR solutions help to choose and generate engagement!
Thanks to ARwinelabels, the connected label is automatically enhanced by the digital contents that are needed to win consumers over and inform about wine estates, wineries, cellars, their history, or about the brewery and the cider house… it's a real opportunity for delivering a message that is both original and comprehensive.
Our solutions, via QR codes such as directwebAR and labelwebAR, or via the ARGOplay app, allow all types of digital interactions:
Anything that can inform and reassure prospective buyers is immediately available.
By simply flashing the QR code for the webAR or by scanning the connected label with ARGOplay app, the consumer lives a direct AR experience!
Real motivations on the part of consumers
“…53% of consumers are willing to pay more for a connected product (…) and 73% are willing to scan a product to learn more about the brand.”
How to go global and reach consumers in their own languages thanks to your original label
Thanks to ARwinelabels, your bottles communicate naturally with clients all over the world: identifying the client’s store and country of origin, the AR app will provide enhanced information directly in his own language, even if he is abroad.
For example, a German consumer who is hesitant about buying French wine while he is in Rome, will receive the label content in German.
24 languages available so far: French, Italian, English,
Spanish, German, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Romanian,
Bulgarian, Dutch and Turkish…
A segmentation based on each country’s consumer habits becomes possible… a
borderless world is yours thanks to your connected labels!
Exports are growth drivers
Exports of French wines and spirits broke records in 2021 Sales, up 28%, reached a historic level of 15.5 billion euros
Generation Z – The new ‘moderators’
Nonetheless, one shouldn’t lose all hope in the ‘Instagram generation’, who demonstrate an even more acute desire to be able to exhibit their individualism on social platforms than their predecessors. The increasing importance of provenance and packaging is already a well-pronounced trend, but could gain even more traction with a generation more willing to spend money on a brand that helps ‘define’ them.
“25% of millennials have used augmented reality to shop in France”.
When a connoisseur discovers a good bottle at a friend’s place or in a restaurant, s/he is eager to know more about it and order one if possible … with a connected label, it is possible right away!
At the core of ARwinelabels DNA: Clients’ satisfaction. AR-enhanced labels build up and reinforces loyalty to your brand. They also allow the connoiseur or novice who is tasting a new wine to satisfy his/her curiosity with just one flash of the QR code or scan of the label app to have direct access to your retail site or those of your distribution network: wine stores/shops, wineries, breweries, wine exporters, etc. Your interactive label can consequently check the availability of the vintage wine and instantaneously order it without any difficulty.
Such a facilitated and instantaneous purchase will allow you to save time and energy to produce the sweetest nectar, and generate even more enthusiasm for your products and brand image. Your label is a sales booster!
Connected consumers fond of new technologies…
“…85% of respondents want to scan a product to understand how to use it, 82% to access virtual assistance (…) and 69% want to access loyalty programs…”.
What is new with AR-enhanced labels is that they immediately generate leads and engagement. The prospect or the client is encouraged to digitally contact you as soon as s/he flashes the QR code or scans your product label. Interaction is direct and instantaneous!
ARwinelabels helps you build up a valuable and direct relationship with the public. Whether through games, questionnaires, events to be shared, invitations to wine tastings … initiating and developing exchanges with customers becomes a necessity. The digital world is rid of geographical, linguistic and time barriers and irresistibly connects the wine grower or wine brand to consumers. Thus, a connected label becomes a simple and natural means to collect new consumer habits and enrich your database!
Innovations and new generations
“The beverage market (alcoholic or not) is the one that is reaping the most awards across Europe (…) major trends that beverage manufacturers should be able to exploit in 2022 and then in the years that follow.”
* ARwinelabels offers you the option of sharing with consumers the ingredients and additives of your alcoholic beverages, previously informed on the platform of our partner
Nutritional, environmental, or social information, sanitary messages on wine and spirits are becoming more constraining… how to remain law-abiding without making your labels unpalatable?
ARwinelabels carefully monitors the evolution of regulations and legal notices that must appear on your label. With the development of Augmented Reality, professionals are keen to dematerialize part of those messages in an enriched digital content which is specific to each country, though accessible from a single label.
On that matter, whatever decision is made by the authorities, connected labels can prove very helpful: you can either keep them as the media for legal information and use the enriched contents to enhance your brand image through visuals, videos, logos, etc.; or dematerialize legal notices in order to make enough room for an elaborate label design.
Dematerialise warnings on wine labels
“We have been asked if we are prepared to add legal notices to this logo (that of a pregnant woman). We have said no. We want to dematerialize warnings. We have pointed out that we export a lot and that it is high time we stopped stigmatising.”
Active social networks… Be one step ahead of the competition with your connected label!
Y&Z-generation customers rely on comments posted on forums and social networks in order to pick the right item.
ARwinelabels win followers and generate engagement. With an AR-enhanced label, you will directly provide rich and well-argued contents on the client’s smartphone, you will be one of the first to anticipate and answer questions in order to build up a close, trust-based relationship.
Initiating a dialog that can be pedagogical, enlightening, informative or play-based (quizzes, games, animations…), you take the consumer by the hand and make him/her discover your domain, your world, your wines and spirits or else your brewery or cider house…